Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Perhaps a breakthrough?

If you've read a previous post you know we've been super-ultra-mega busy around the farm the past busy that homeschool has kind of been pushed aside. Sometimes we go a week between lessons and even then it might be just a short lesson. A couple of days ago Mitchell asked if we were doing homeschool that day. I told him that we had to go haul bales with the semi for another farmer. So he said "We should do homeschool tomorrow."

Now, this is a kid that at times gets rather mad if I tell him it's time to do homeschool work. And if I suggest he could go back to public school he says no to that, too. Might this mean that his attitude is changing? I hope so.

But when we did do some lessons today he wasn't so happy to maybe he's just being a typical 7-year old boy.

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