This is the first shot I took that morning, probably about 6:45am. We're looking east along a fenceline buried in caragana trees. In the distance is our neighbor's farm. The air is hazy and moisture-laden. The grass shines with the dew laying on it. I pumped up the saturation and contrast more on this one to bring out the green in the trees.
This one is from a slightly different angle and I left it with a softer look. I also cropped it for a "widescreen" format.
As I walked back to the house I took note of the drops of dew hanging on the long leaves of the grass I was walking through and thought it would make a good closeup shot. This is as it came from the camera - no editing.
I'm not sure which of the three I like best, they all have good points and bad points. The top one is the best for color and light I think, but I like the angle of the second one better of those two. The third is a different sort of picture so perhaps I shouldn't try to compare it to the others, but I like the color and to me it's a simpler picture...less going on if you know what I mean.
I hope you enjoyed my latest pictures. It was fun making them even if I did get wet feet!
1 comment:
Hello guys! David, I didn't see a Followers widget on your blog so I've added it to my Google Reader. So you won't see me as a follower but I will be stalking you guys anyway, mwah ha ha!
Hi to Carla and the boys! Tell Mitchell that Flat Mitchell has already had a busy day!
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